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Reverse Factoring: The Secret to Getting More Clients and Money

Writer: TReDS Invoice Discounting GuideTReDS Invoice Discounting Guide

Updated: Oct 12, 2022


Reverse factoring is a form of invoice financing that allows companies to convert their unpaid invoices into cash. If you're looking for more clients and money, it's one of the most effective ways to boost your cash flow. Here's how it works:

What is reverse factoring?

Reverse factoring is the process of selling your invoices to a third party.

If you’re a small business owner, the odds are that you receive bills from your vendors regularly and pay them in full every month. But what if there was another way to get your money? What if instead of waiting for your customers to pay you for services rendered and products sold, you could take those identical bills and sell them instead? That's what reverse factoring does: It allows companies like yours (that are getting paid by customers) to immediately receive cash for their outstanding invoices—without having to wait for payment from those customers until later on down the road when they choose or need to make their payments.

How does reverse factoring work?

Reverse factoring is a type of invoice financing that lets you get paid upfront for your business's invoices. Instead of waiting weeks or months for payment, you can receive funds immediately. This gives you more money in the bank and more flexibility with your cash flow—which means better opportunities to grow your business further!

Reverse factoring is only available through specialized lenders with experience with this financing type. They will use their expertise to evaluate every aspect of your company before deciding whether or not they'll lend to you. Any lender worth working with will take into account things like:

· Your credit score and financial history

· The number and quality of customers using your services

How much can you raise with reverse factoring?

Reverse factoring is a financing option that lets you get money for invoices you've already received from customers. The amount you can raise depends on your credit rating.

If you have a good credit rating, you can receive up to 80% of the value of your invoices (the invoice will be discounted accordingly). If your credit is less than ideal, reverse factoring companies will only finance 50% or less of their value.

What are the charges for a reverse factoring facility?

Reverse factoring is a great way to get money now, but it has costs. Charges vary from provider to provider, so you must research before signing up for a reverse factoring facility.

How much does it cost?

The charges for a reverse factoring facility depend on the company you choose, but in general, they include the following:

· Interest rates: The interest rate will be calculated based on the amount and term of your financing agreement. You might pay less than 5% simple interest or more than 20%. The longer your term is, the higher your rate will likely be.

Why should you use it?

Now that you better understand reverse factoring and how it works, let's get to the heart: why should you use it?

· Get more money upfront. Reverse factoring allows you to get paid immediately for your invoices. That way, if a customer doesn't pay within 30 days (the typical credit period), it doesn't hurt as much when they don't pay on time. This gives you more control over your cash flow and less reliance on credit lines from banks or other lenders. You can also use this extra capital to fund growth in your business by reinvesting into marketing campaigns or hiring new staff members who will help increase sales even further!

· Use it as a way to fund growth. As mentioned above, reverse factoring can be an effective way for small business owners to grow their operations because they can access capital without having any debt! This means that there won't be any interest payments associated with their loan balance (as opposed to taking out another traditional loan), which saves them thousands over time since most companies only make enough profit per year where they'll barely break even after paying off all those monthly bills related directly back into themselves individually - let alone having any leftover profits left over AFTER paying off those identical bills too!


Reverse factoring doesn’t have to be complicated. If you need more clients and money, this is a great way to get them. It’s simple, safe, and works for all kinds of businesses. We hope this article has helped you decide whether or not reverse factoring is right for you.


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